Title: Meet The Kim
Pairing: KyuSung, YeWon, YeTeuk, YeMin
Rating: G
Notes: I really try my hardest to update this sooner, for next week I will be busy as hell. I hope it can make up for future late update :D. As you know it, English isn't my first language, so if you happen to find any mistakes, I'm so sorry. Enjoy, I guess :D
14th Ch: Beware of the Brothers, Mr.Evil )
Comments 2
but, don't u know eon? actually, babykyu tuh dpt no.nya yeye tuh dr aq looooh...hihi..
Akhirnya Junsu muncul jg...hihi..ga ahra, ga xiah sm2 heboh klo udh nyangkut jongwoon..XD
haha...dang! oops... the kims brother got them... omo!!! u'll die kyu... u'll die.......hahaha...
OMG, be ready to kims brother babykyu... hope he will be fine but...i don't think so...XDD
hehehe...lengkap sudah mereka, now just let see where this will end up hehehe..I still have no clue :P gak ush mereka, kita juga pasti heboh gara2 jongwoonie *gondol jongwoon*
*pasang musik horor* Kyu's in danger...what will the brothers do to him?? it will be terrifying hohoho...
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