Title: Meet The Kim
Pairing: KyuSung, YeWon, YeTeuk, YeMin
Rating: G
Notes: Here comes the next chapter. I don't mean to abandon this story for so long, I'm so sorry. I hope it's okay. Again, English isn't my first language so if you find any mistakes, I'm really sorry. Enjoy, I guess :D
15th Ch: Hail Micky The Saviour )
Comments 1
Tapi..tapiiii...tapiiiii...nampaknya Heenim ga akan nyerah bgitu saja...XD what the next his evil plan???? can't waaaaiiiiiitttt....XDD
Eonnie, it's not boring at all, i enjoy it... so, don't give up.. u can do this.. Hwaiting eon..chu chu chu~~~~ ^^
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