Yay!!! glasses <3

Mar 02, 2008 12:45

Well here are some lovely pictures for everyone's viewing pleasure <3

STICKY!!! This is my beloved stick bug (he hates me) I dont think I have ever put up decent pictures of him before. Can you tell where his eyes are??

Today mom and I went back to the mall to get my glasses!!! The glasses store people were REEEALLY weird >_> but I finally got them. I think they were like $300 O_O so thanks mom!!! They are very cute AND designer frames <3

My fancy leather case <3

The glasses!! You cant really tell in this but they are the type where if you turn it a certain way there is shiny blue on the inside ..

And lastly me looking like a nerd in my glasses!!! I like them alot so it kinda sucks I can only wear them for driving.. but its SOO neat for everything to be clear again!! yay for seeing!! <3

I send dad a picture of me wearing them over the phone and his text response was just "HAHAHAH!" ... >_< dammit!

Other than that not much is new. I THINK I can graduate *knocks on wood* but I have to go see advisors on monday >_<
Mom and I have both been continuously sick for almost a month now so we bought a buncha food at ROOTS (a super health food/vegan grocery store) so that we could make a healthy dinner. We had gluten free chicken strips that amazingly were delicious (they were basically like chicken nuggets but the outside, despite being made of rice was great!) It seems as tho gluten free diets are the new big fad so mom is finding alot of food these days!

I got fancy yogurts (lavendar, vanilla chai, green tea peach) I had the lavendar one and it was really sour but yummy <3 I also got liquid matcha/honeydew stuff you mix with milk.. its pretty good and tastes a bit like my favorite bubble tea <3 I also got a buncha pirate booty XD does everyone know what that is? its kinda like.... puffy cheetos but with very little flavoring and they are VERY low in carbs (eww i sound like an old person) which is nice because I just sit here and constantly eat it XD

Hope everyone is having a nice day!!

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