(no subject)

Jun 03, 2009 23:40

So I had my first day today. It went really well!

I have my rap down, and they even took me through some response training, which wouldn't be happening 'til tomorrow. It's extremely awkward - I'm sure I'll get used to asking people for money, but it's very weird right now, especially the excuses I've gotten as to why they can't give. (But, then again, I can't know that's true. *shrug*)

I started off shadowing the field manager, Christine, who's a rising sophomore at Haverford... that was two hours. Then for half an hour, she shadowed me, and then after that I was on my own (with Christine taking the other side of the street, so she was nearby). I didn't need her help that much. :) I can't unsee it, though..... Christine looks just like the New Zealand girl from But I'm a Cheerleader.... just without the accent.....

One guy called me 'sweetheart.' Uh?

A bunch of people outright disagreed with us. There was one lady who was listening but then as soon as we mentioned "waterboarding" (one part of the rap talks about how the Bush administration tried to justify torture, including illegal techniques like waterboarding...) said that she didn't agree with what we were saying, so we thanked her and left, but then she came down her driveway and flagged us down and gave us a mini rant about how there are terrorists out there who don't care at all about our lives and sometimes you gotta do things to them...... we just thanked her and left again.

The best though was from the first house that I did completely on my own. A teen, maybe 17 or 18, answered, and I was talking to her, and then when I got to the part about restoring America's constitution, a voice from further inside the house (her father?) yelled out, "This is a Republican household!!" The girl was very freaked out, it was very awkward, haha. But I don't get that, though. I understand him reacting strongly to what I was saying about torture, but... about the consitution? That doesn't seem rather Republican to me. Unless that was just a default line to make me go away. *shrug*

I raised $20!! Apparently new people never make money on their first day. Well yay! Though if I want to make staff, I'll have to raise $115 tomorrow.... I think I can do it, though. We'll see. Hopefully I will. I actually do really enjoy this. I mean it's only been one day but it's been a very great day.

I've also so far read Blasted and Phaedra's Love by Sarah Kane. I actually really like Phaedra's Love. It kinda had a very asexual feel to it, almost, even though it's all about Hyppolitus having sex with everyone. oldstarnewshine you should read this, I think you'd really like it. It's very.... to the point. I think that's what I like about it, it doesn't make excuses and it just lays everything out in the open, and it assumes that the issues in the play (like incest, rape) are as common as (unfortunately) they probably are.

I started Cleansed, but I don't think I'll be able to finish it. I got to the part where Tinker starts shoving the pole up Carl's anus and I had to stop. We'll see if I continue.... (Besides, all I can think of is, "I know you, you're a tinker; sirrah tinker, Stop no more holes but what you should...")

Of course 4.48 Psychosis is the one I'm the most eager to read, though that's last, so yeah.

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