Apr 10, 2009 22:47

(on a sidenote, I find it hilarious and awesome that that is the title of the prompt, both because I adore CSS and the song of theirs it comes from, and also because I actually use "music is my boyfriend" as a tag for all of my music-related entries in my personal journal. So basically, <3)

I'm one of those people who's been painfully devoted to music throughout their whole life, both as a listener and (using this word loosely) a performer. When I was younger I listened solely to oldies - like, completely solely. I never got into what the other kids my age were listening to; in fact I was completely oblivious, choosing instead to blast those fluffy 60's girl pop bands or the Beatles or some such. My parents fully supported this habit of mine; my dad even gave me CDs. He's also the one who started to educate me more widely in contemporary music that wasn't shit when I got to be of an age for it, and though we may occasionally disagree about other things I will say he has impeccable taste in music. (Incidentally, when I started discovering music on my own, I started sharing it with my mother, and learned her taste is actually even better than my dad's.)

I am, of course, also a raging musical theatre dork, which stems originally from watching VHS tapes of Rodgers & Hammerstein pieces when I was a little kid and then performing as soon as I had venues in which to. My first "big kid" musical was actually Little Shop of Horrors and I've never looked back. (Not that I was in it; it was just the first big kid musical I saw and fell in love with.) Before I actually lived in the City I'd force my parents to fly out for vacations that just-so-happened to coincide with abilities to get into shows I wanted to see; I'd buy cast albums off the internet, subject my close friends to them, and we'd sing the appropriate songs (or appropriate versions of the inappropriate songs) in the hallways or during lunch at school.

Now? Well, I'm an actress (sort of, trying to be) and I do try to do musical theatre (haven't since college, but who's to say the opportunity isn't around the corner) and a writer (hopefully of musical theatre) so music is still a huge, huge part of my life. It's sort of like the air that I breathe or some such.

I also make comprehensive mix CDs at the end of every year full of the songs that "meant something" to me that year, and have been doing so since I was fourteen, which will assist me greatly in presenting this 10-song sampling of songs that have meant something to me over the many years of my life, not exactly in any order. Obviously there are a vast many more songs that could go on this list, but this is sort of the appetizer sampler plate I guess. And also, the mun is too lazy to link to many other songs.

La Vie Boheme (Rent)

My Boyfriend's Back (The Angels)

Blackbird (The Beatles)

The Time Warp (The Rocky Horror Picture Show)

We Both Go Down Together (The Decemberists)

Suddenly Seymour (Little Shop of Horrors) (I linked to this version A) because it's fantastic and B) because I couldn't find any of either the original, revival or revival tour casts)

Runs in the Family (Amanda Palmer)

Special Death (Mirah)

Don't Do Sadness/Blue Wind (Spring Awakening)

My Slumbering Heart (Rilo Kiley)

Special Meta/Somewhat OOC Bonus Track: Merry Happy (Kate Nash)

Yay! That's my life in music!


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