Jun 03, 2014 16:32

So here's my problem: I see something like this:
and I think, "I want to link this to my facebook page. MY facebook page. Screw this "Charlotte alter ego and real person," I want all of these pieces to just come together ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

hardboiledbaby June 4 2014, 07:15:25 UTC
I do still prefer my fannish life to be separate from the so-called "real" one. The lines have blurred a little over the years, but I don't intend for the two to become one, however inconvenient keeping them apart might be :-/

That is an adorable vid :)


boogieshoes June 4 2014, 21:23:28 UTC
well, i got it easy - my professional face isn't even playing in the same league as my fannish face, lol. sometimes, i'm surprised any of my interests have cross-correlations (in terms of people in both interest-genres) at all.



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