oh me oh my!
charlsies updating!
i need its nosies in my ear....
okay welllll after camping i went to cape cod....
got a really neat henna tattoo, that kevin did so it was free, and orignal!
took surfing lessons with this truck (er, the guys in it)
came home and chilled with the people some very good nights.
leslie is proably the most g- peoson i know.
went to pyrimid lake with erin p.- heres bill and max on the dock
erin and gracie and i before JAMACIAN night!
erin gracie and lily....
the night we discoved that the van is the spot to be...
LINE DANCING IN SCROON... so much fun.
me with mike, who is handicapped, and partially my fault.
haut. i miss you hart!
came home, what a night, "NO ONES GETTING OUT OF THIS CAR"
okay well, over the summer ive relized alot of things and back to school is going to suck but at least i have the best people surrounding me....
today i got my ear pierced, im not going to lie it hurt , but it was worth it, its kind of large but once it heals i can change it. cant wait.
hot damn