2008 end-of-year vidding meme

Dec 30, 2008 19:04

(sorted by release date)

Angel With an Attitude - Pushing Daisies
Modern Nature - Pushing Daisies

I'm your Man - Multifandom femslash, queer meta.

I Bet You Look good On The Dancefloor - Life On Mars/Ashes to Ashes
Smiley Faces Faces - Torchwood
Tanglewood Tree - Fingersmith

It's Not Over Yet - Merlin

7 in total which is about half the amount of previous years.

My favourite video this year (of my own):
I bet you look good on the dancefloor. It was a fairly last minute decision to try this for Club Vivid and it came together pretty quickly. It is the one vid I've made this year that looks exactly how I'd imagined it. I had fun with it whilst still pushing myself to make a faster paced vid than I am usually comfortable with. It's not a perfect vid but it is one I can watch all the way through without cringing at any of the edits (a very rare thing indeed.)

My least favourite:
Modern Nature. With the benefit of hindsight I think my fannishness for Pushing Daisies could only support one vid and this one just doesn't quite hit the mark. The musicality is ropey in places and as a consequence it contains the most of the aforementioned cringing moments. Although I still think it was a strong song choice and tying the past and present together was a sound idea but it just isn't as tight as I wanted.

Most successful video:
I'm your man. This is hands down the most successful vid I've made this year. It came as quite a surprise because I really hadn't anticipated it having an audience beyond those participating in "the international day of femslash" event. It has been hugely satisfying to have a rather personal vid connect with so many people.

Video most under appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
None. I have absolutely no complaints about the reception my vids have received this year. I had thought Tanglewood Tree might not do well because the source is a relatively obscure. It actually far exceeded my expectations. I suppose if you twisted my arm I would pick Smiley Faces as one I had slightly higher hopes for but that was before I realised that it would drown in a sea of DW and Torchwood vids at VVC. Since posting it online it has found its own level and I'm more than happy with that.

Most fun video to make:
Angel with an attitude. The first vid of the year and a shiny new fandom it just had to be fun to make. In addition I got to use some of those crazy transitions you can't normally get away with.

Hardest video to make:
Smiley Faces. God I struggled with this so much. My computer was on its death bed and as a result I could barely make a single edit without having to save timeline and reboot the computer. As a result any fancy ideas I had went by the wayside and what I was left with was not at all what I had in mind.

Video with single sexiest moment:
Nimueh's hand porn.

The things I've learnt this year:
Sometimes vidding can feel like being on a treadmill and when that happens it's OK to step off and wait for inspiration to strike. I still love vids and vid meta even when I'm taking time away.

Things to work on in 2009:
I said this in the last two memes DO SOMETHING FLASHY WITH AFTER-EFFECTS third times the charm (hopefully) Also I really need to get better at giving feedback and getting back to comments.

Vid projects I definitely want to get finished this coming year:
Works in progress are Shawshank Redemption vid, Heroes vid (Petrelli family dysfunction), Club Vivid vid, Doctor Who vid.

If you're interested, meme from 2006 and 2007.

2008vidding, videos, meme

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