New Vid: Sherlock BBC - Anomie

Sep 18, 2010 18:05

Video Title: Anomie
Song Title/Artist: People Are Strange - Infected Mushroom Remix
Source: Sherlock BBC
Summary: A faceless city where everyone is a stranger.
Length/Format: 03:12, (Xvid, Stream)
Notes: Spoilers for all eps season 1.

Anomie: Term coined by Emile Durkheim refers to a breakdown of social norms. A condition where norms no longer control the activities of members in society. Individuals cannot find their place in society without clear rules to help guide them. Changing conditions lead to dissatisfaction, conflict, and deviance. He observed that social periods of disruption (economic depression, for instance) brought about greater anomie and higher rates of crime, suicide, and deviance.

Durkheim felt that sudden change caused a state of anomie. The system breaks down, either during a great prosperity or a great depression, anomie is the same result.

Warnings: None.

Links: Download Xvid 50MB | Stream@Youtube | Stream@Bam

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