Name: Nadia
Are you over 13? : Yes
Hobbies: Reading, baking, shopping, singing, spending time with friends
Likes: Fashion, babies, pie
Dislikes: Cigarette smoke
Favorite Movies: The Lake House, The Sound of Music, Little Women
Favorite Music: Jimmy Eat World, Sarah McLachlan, The Fray
Favorite Books: Little Women, To Kill A Mockingbird, Pride and Prejudice
Would you like to be stamped a female ,male ,or it doesn't matter?: Doesn't matter
What are your strengths? I'm good at consoling people when they're upset, I'm a good friend, I look for the good in others for the most part
What are your weaknesses? I'm stubborn and impetuous and quick-tempered/hot-tempered.
Describe yourself in five words. Compassionate, emotional, strong-willed, intelligent, funny
How do you think others see you? Sweet but honest
Are you a leader or a follower? Leader
Are you more outgoing or shy? Outgoing
Impulsive or cautious? Impulsive
Love or Passion? Both!
Mercy or Revenge? Mercy, although very tempted to take revenge on some people sometimes
Fate or Free Will? Fate
How do you deal with conflict? I try to resolve it, but if I can't. I just ignore the person although inside I'm thinking of all the horribe things that could happen to him/her.
Who or what is most important to you? God
What are you good at? Writing, baking
What do you wish you were better at? Dancing
What are some of your dreams in life? Work as a speech therapist. Find love.
If you had powers what would they be ( up to 3 powers)? Telekinesis, healing, maybe invisibility
Who is your favourite character? Erm..hard to choose..Prue
Who is your least favourite character? The Source
Favorite couple? I liked Piper and Dan actually, and Phoebe/Coop
Favorite Episode? When Phoebe finds out Cole is actually Balthazar
Least Favorite Episode? All Hell Breaks Loose