Drop meme/State of the Union

Apr 06, 2010 20:26

IC: 8)
OOC: I haven't been playing Medusa much lately, which is kind of surprising me because she used to be my closest thing to a primary! Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing anything new with her. But I love her place in my lineup, and she's a character type that would be hard to replace with someone I adored as much as I do her. And I've always said I could play her with no cast at all.
Dropping: 3/10
Plans: MAAAAN I'm gonna have so much fun with her being Club'd. If anyone wants a fight with Medusa, let me know. :)b Other than that! Get her out more, pick up her old relationships, talk to some new people.

IC: Cool.
OOC: WHY IS HALF MY CAST FROM SOUL EATER? WHY AM I ALMOST HALF OF CAMP'S SOUL EATER CAST? ESPECIALLY WHEN I DON'T PLAY THAT MUCH? ;; There is an answer to this, which is that I love the canon ridiculously and I apped Soul to play with people in ways that Medusa can't/doesn't. And he does play a distinct part in my lineup, and I do really like playing him when I do, even outside his cast! Which is why I hung on to him when our first Maka dropped. But I have trouble getting him out much, because his voice/pings are... less strong than my other characters'? And then I feel guilty because I'm just sitting on him. I'd feel better if we got more Soul Eater cast, but I have sort of... given up hope of that happening. Admittedly I'm not making a very good case for it right now, since I'm not playing my Soul Eater characters much.
Dropping: 6/10, but he'd be gone if Maka dropped.

IC: Doing generally well! Happier with his life than he has been.
OOC: Haha, I finally have a real primary character. I love playing Raven so much. He can be completely ridiculous and skeevy and he can be insightful on occasion and he has tons of issues that I can play with when I want to. I adore my cast so much it is hard to describe. I love all of his relationships! I can see myself burning out on him at some point, but that point is not soon.
Dropping: 0/10
Plans: Uh. Brave Vesperia post(s)? Do... stuff. I don't exactly have trouble getting Raven out.

IC: :|
OOC: Iiii knew Perscitia would be a backburnery character when I apped her, but I still feel guilty for how little she gets out, because my cast is rad. I love playing her, though, and I am confident in her voice. My problems are only that she takes brainpower and so I can't play her when I'm tired, and her voice is hard to manage while multitasking on anything that requires writing not in flowery Napoleonic prose, and particularly while also playing Raven. Which, uh... lol.
Dropping: 4/10

I have actually been very "eh" on camp in general lately. When I hiatused for a few days a while back and didn't even let myself look at the network or anything, it was really relieving and amazing how much free time I suddenly had for other things, like writing and reading things and such. And I'm really :/ about LJ in general, so any time they do anything stupid with their business my desire to give them money for character accounts plummets, and any time they have technical issues (like the recent slow loading or delayed comment notifications) my desire to play plummets. So I definitely have occasions when I consider dropping entirely, and if I'm pretty sure if I did I wouldn't be heartbroken!

I would miss RPing, though, because I do really enjoy it and camp is generally a great place for it. And I definitely don't want to drop Raven right now, because I love his cast and all his relationships and I feel like he's going somewhere. I have more seriously contemplated dropping everyone but Raven, though, because honestly they all don't get played much lately. And the solution is not just "play everyone else more" because I am enjoying playing Raven enough to have actual consistent relationships and development, and I honestly cannot do that with everyone at once because I have a fulltime job and a limited amount of free time which I also enjoy spending on other things.

But I don't really want to drop anyone, in the sense that I still want to play and enjoy playing all of my characters right now! But I am feeling kind of stagnant, so that could change pretty easily. I kind of want to app to shake things up, but if I ended up with another character or two it would shake out to drops. Also everyone's paid time but Raven's expires in six days, and I will have to build up the will to renew them. So IDK what will happen! /o/
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