
Jan 24, 2006 02:42

My BIRTHDAY ROCKED I SPENT THE WHOLE DAY PUKING....somehow i thought that would come across cool, but the reason is not what it would seem.....i spent my whole birthday with (drum roll) FOOD POISONING....but that's ok because i got a lot of great messages from people and i didn;t even remind anyone, so thank you...i listened and read them inbetween ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

yaakova17 January 25 2006, 00:25:01 UTC
Just think...19 is a year closer to 20, which is cool because you're "in your twenties".

I'm sorry your day sucked so much, but I was thinking about it, and maybe it was a cosmic birthday present in disguise? After all, you DID get a day off of school to sleep...

Love you!


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