Name: Moe
Age: 17
Location: U.S.A
Are you open to cross-gender votes? Sure
1. Please list three positive traits you possess and why you chose them.
1. I'm friendly. I'm nice to people and I'd rather people be happy then sad. I also like to help people out! I'm usually cheerfull and I'm also a good listener. I'd rather want everyone to get along then hate each other! ^^
2. I'm determined. If I want something done I push for it. I refuse to give up! I'll even drag a few people along with me to get the job done if I want too ^^ (even I wonder if that's a bad thing...)
3. I'm a creative person and a dreamer. I love writing to release my creativity and my dreams! I also love singing. I'll randomly start singing words that come into my head. I also love drawing! It's another way to release my creativity and my dreams!
2. Please list three negative traits you possess and why you chose them.
1. I'm stubborn. I refuse to admit I'm wrong or give up a fight. (Even if I'm completly wrong, which has happened before)
2. I'm impatient. I have the patience of a three year old. If I'm bored with something I walk away from it. I also hate it when I don't get my way. I always try not to whin when I don't get my way, sense I (like a lot of people) hate whinning.
3. I get bored a lot. Like I said I'm impatient and stubborn and often get bored a lot. I'd rather go outside and explore the world then be forced to do something boreding that I don't want to do.
3. If you could do something illegal without any consequences whatsoever, would you do it and why or why not?
There's nothing illegal that I really want to do. All I really want is freedom. If I was able to escape from my evil little rural town then I'd be really happy ^^
4. If you were faced with a situation where you only had time to make a choice that allowed you to use your intelligence or strength to prevail, which would you choose and why?
I would use my intelligence! I am smart at math and Latin! But, I'm not that strong even though I'm on the crew team. I feel like the weakest person on the team but, I refuse to give up! I will train harder and get better! ^^
5. What do you value above all else and why?
My heart. Which contains my dreams, my passions, my desire for freedom, and my feelings. All things I value very much!
6. Would you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower and why?
Hm... mostly I'm a follower. I have no sense of direction at all.... but I can be a leader when it's something I'm really interested in ^^ I'm also know how to be calm and not panic in a dangerous situation, which is a good trait in a leader!
7. If you could choose to possess one trait or physical aspect, what would you pick and why?
I wish that I was a better test taker. I hate tests and exams! I don't have the patience for them and I get bored just looking at them >_< If I was a better test taker I wouldn't get so stressed out when exams or a test comes up.
8. Anything else you would like to add?
Hm... well I also love music, animals, and food! My best talent is that I can scream very loudly! ^0^ I'm also a very optimistic person and believe in peace! (Though if someone does you wrong, I believe that you have a right for revenge) ^^
9. Please include one picture of yourself, a doll, or a description of yourself.
Well I don't have any pictures of myself, but I can give you a description! I have long, straight brown hair that goes half-way down my back. I also have green eyes and I'm very pale. I'm also about 5'6.
(insert your images here)