Are you open to cross-gender votes? Of course~
1. Please list three positive traits you possess and why you chose them.
Intelligence- It's one thing I've always prided myself on.
Creativity- Without this I wouldn't have all the hobbies I do
Humor- Thanks to my dad, I have a good sense of humor
2. Please list three negative traits you possess and why you chose them.
Cynicism- I usually have a negative impression of someone until I get to know them.
Laziness- Always my biggest flaw... I don't want to do anything!
Irritability- It's not very hard to get on my nerves, to tell you the truth
3. If you could do something illegal without any consequences whatsoever, would you do it and why or why not?
I probably would, depending on whether or not it fell within my morals. If I personally believe something is wrong, I probably won't do it. I think the only thing I'd go with would be robbery. I'd choose murder but I know my guilty conscience would haunt me for the rest of my life.
4. If you were faced with a situation where you only had time to make a choice that allowed you to use your intelligence or strength to prevail, which would you choose and why?
Intelligence, of course. I have absolutely no strength and I'd fail without a doubt. At least if it involved intelligence I'd have some chance to come up with an answer and hope it was right.
5. What do you value above all else and why?
I'm not really sure about this one. I would say intelligence, but some extremely smart people are very boring and downright... mean, I guess. I'd have to go with humor in this case. Mainly because for me intelligence and humor go hand in hand. You can't be funny if you're stupid. Unless people are just laughing at your stupidity. But that doesn't count. You have to be clever to really be funny.
6. Would you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower and why?
A leader, definitely. I've always been the one to do my own thing and have absolutely no cares about what others thought of it.
7. If you could choose to possess one trait or physical aspect, what would you pick and why?
One of my best friends has what we all call a "charm"... basically everyone she meets is immediately smitten with her. If I could just bottle some of that up for convenient times...
8. Anything else you would like to add?
9. Please include one picture of yourself, a doll, or a description of yourself.