Name: Caitriona
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Please provide links to at least three applications you have voted on here. 1. Please list 3-5 positive traits you possess and why you chose them.
Honesty - I really, really hate lies. I was brought up by parents who held lying to be one of the original sins. It is always makes things worse - it multiplies the negative consequences.
Family-oriented - My family is the center of my world. If they told me me they needed me to leave my job and come home to help out, I would without a second question. Family comes before everything else to me.
Empathic - I believe we should relate to others and help them, but sympathy usually turns to pity, or enables people to stay in a "poor me" state of mind. Empathy on the other hand relates to people while helping them stand on their own again.
2. Please list 3-5 negative traits you possess and why you chose them.
Stubborn - When I've made a decision, I stick to it. It takes some serious evidence to get me to change.
Opinionated - I have them and I'm not really afraid to share them. I'm not the one to ask when you just want agreement - if I have an opinion, I'll give it to you - honest and upfront - so don't ask me if you don't want it.
Disorganized - I try to organize, but it kind of falls apart. I cannot keep it going long enough to do any good.
3. Sort these words in order of their importance to you: control, cunning, death, honor, intelligence, love, loyalty, power, strength. Explain how you ordered them in this way and what sort of feelings they invoke to you.
Love, honor, loyalty, intelligence, control, strength, control, cunning, death, power - Without love & honor, the rest are worthless. Loyalty and intelligence add value to L&H. Strength and control help in using L&H to make the world better. Cunning, death, & power are needed in certain situations, but should be the last things sought after.
4. What are some things that greatly annoy you and why?
Political correctness - to me, this is a form of dishonesty in speech. When you are rearranging the language to avoid "hurting someone's feelings," you are whitewashing the truth to a dangerous extent. When you are too afraid to say something for fear that you MIGHT offend someone, you enslave yourself to another's opinion - an opinion that may or may not be true and which may or may not be immoral.
5. What do you value above all else and why?
Faith & family - without both of these, what is the point?
6. Would you consider yourself to be more of a leader, a follower, or a loner, and why?
Reluctant leader with loner tendencies - lovely and confusing right? I prefer to remain in the background, but I will step up and lead when needed. I love my family and a small circle of friends, but very few really KNOW me.
7. If you could choose to possess one extraordinary trait or physical aspect, what would you pick and why?
Perfect teeth - I would feel better about my smile, and for the other traits, I need to learn self discipline to fix them anyway.
8. Please include at least one picture of yourself or provide a description of yourself.
Heavy set girl with pale skin, blue eyes, and hair that changes with my mood.