Title: Through Sophie's Eyes
Plotbunny mini-challenge
"Little Sophie asks Ryan, why he doesn't call their parents "Mom" and "Dad" like she and Seth do, but "Kirsten" and "Sandy". Ryan tries to explain.
(Maybe Sandy and/or Kirsten eavesdrop?)"
Author: ChaseII
Disclaimer: The OC Universe, with all its assorted characters, belongs to Josh Schwartz, et.
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Comments 44
“’Cause I might have turned out like Seth, and we wouldn’t want two Seths in the family, would we?” He wrinkled up his face, causing her to giggle. - God no, we wouldn't want that!
“I’ve been your dad for a long time, Ryan”, Sandy pointed out, his voice a bit unsteady... “But I gotta’ say, kid, it means the world to me that you’re finally gonna’ let me become your father.” -- yeah, you got the desired effect from me!
*sighs, while petting the bunny*
Glad it worked for you, chic. I could have kissed Sophie when she decided Seth had brain disease -- sometimes they surprise us as we're writing, don't they?
Thanks so much!
New children really can have that effect on a patchwork-family. And again, your true story lends mine plausibility. So many thanks for that!
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*hands tissues* Hope all the tears were the good kind. :)
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