Title: Through Sophie's Eyes
Plotbunny mini-challenge
"Little Sophie asks Ryan, why he doesn't call their parents "Mom" and "Dad" like she and Seth do, but "Kirsten" and "Sandy". Ryan tries to explain.
(Maybe Sandy and/or Kirsten eavesdrop?)"
Author: ChaseII
Disclaimer: The OC Universe, with all its assorted characters, belongs to Josh Schwartz, et.
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Comments 44
I adore how you used this story to explore so many issues: Ryan's early reticence with the Cohens; the perpetual awkwardness of their "family" situation; his concern that somehow he would be extraneous after Sophie was born; the emotional weight of words; the particular role that each person in the Cohen (+1) clan plays, and how they fit together; the fact that Ryan was never formally adopted, despite all the times the show tossed around that term; Frank's flawed attempts at a father and son reunion (and oh, I am so on board with your version of The Mean Man. I can't think of him any other way.)
The dialogue here alternated sparkled and broke my heart, and as always your description is perfect. I could quote so many favorite bits, but I'll settle for this one, since this is the wise, loving Kirsten I choose to believe was hiding behind the distant one we often saw in canon:
“Ryan, you’re right. Things will change, but ( ... )
...I am so on board with your version of The Mean Man. I can't think of him any other way. I can't see any future where Frank wouldn't return to his old ways, based not just on his pre-prison history, but also on what we saw of him on the show up to and including 'The My Two Dads ( ... )
And: squeeee! Oh my gosh, there was so much goodness in this story, I can hardly believe it.
Loved how we can see Sandy and Kirsten in Sophie - and also a bit of Ryan.
And Frank is the mean man! He so is and I love you for making Ryan be uncomfortable around him, feeling creeped out and rather hiding than dealing with it. Loved Frank's not so stealth try at manipulating Sophie and Ryan with his "I'm his Daddy and he's not your brother" thing. I hate Frank. Always will. I'd love to read a story about him visiting the Cohens and (not so) subtle try to question Ryan's place in the family.
I really, really loved this story and I'm looking forward to more of those great stories from you!
Well, I think the reaction to that is clear even in canon.
Frank: He's my son.
Sandy: Not anymore. *claims Ryan as his own just like he should* ;)
I'm so glad you came up with this plotbunny, sweetie.
It created so many wonderful Cohen-family-stories.
I'm with you on the hate for Frank... I loathe the guy, and like to think he winds up back in prison. Reformation? I'm not buying it.
Thanks for your kind review, and for your most delightful prompt!
Thoroughly enjoyed reading your take on this prompt, as so many readers, I enjoyed the way Sophie reflected each of the people around her, but was a true little individual also.
Heh, it was a wonderful take on the plot bunny.
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