Title: The Hart Break
Chapter 7, Part A
Author: ChaseII
Story Rating: PG-13(?) (minor language)
Disclaimer: The OC Universe, with all its assorted characters, belongs to Josh Schwartz, et. al. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended, nor is any money being made.
A/N: Many thanks to Beachtree, a delightful, generous, and insightful
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Comments 9
I like to think this is really what happened on the show because I want Ryan to have these people in his life. I do like the Cohens but Ryan really needed so much more.
Thanks again for posting.
BUT...and this is a big but, those conversations he never had are ones that we all ranted about way back then---how could there have been no follow through by the Cohens? (stoopit PTB) How could they never have discussed it, sent him to a counselor, all gone through it together? Yep, it was missed parenting of a grand proportion.
So while I still don't want Ryan to be with the Harts, b/c in my mind the Cohens are the ones who truly saved his life over the last 3 years and gave him a future when the Harts just....left, they at least point out the bad parenting choices that occurred.
Now, on to more wonderfulness!
Throughout the years, the Cohens often disappointed me with their parenting, or lack thereof. I've probably spent too much time thinking through the whole canon Cohen/Ryan relationship.
If I'm honest, I'd have to say I still adore our fanfic Cohens, but the ones we got onscreen? Sadly, not so much...
After I was drawn in by the first episodes, there were 'moments' of Cohen+1, but as you indicate, there were times the PTB simply dropped the ball. I'd argue that they dropped the ball time and time again -- need I even mention Season 3?? *shudders*
Wish we'd been given input! We might have gotten the Cohens+1 I wanted to see play out on screen.
OMG - we have done such a better job of portraying Cohen+1 than TPTB!!!!! And we have been so much more true to the original concept of the characters than the writers, IMHO. Then again--we have actually paid attention to detail and have retained the continuity. Get a life, you say?
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