Title: The Hart Break
Chapter 8
Author: ChaseII
Story Rating: PG-13(?) (minor language)
Story is AU
Disclaimer: The OC Universe, with all its assorted characters, belongs to Josh Schwartz, et. al. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended, nor is any money being made.
(Note: The Harts belong to me.)
A/N: Many thanks to Beachtree, ever a
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Comments 33
You have captured Ryan so well. I'll say it again - I love the Harts and I love that they had a part in Ryan's early life....at least in your world. The fact that Ryan willing brought up the issue of the poolhouse to them showed how much he trusted them and Megan knowing Ryan enough to let him say things in his own way shows how well the Harts know him.
It makes you wish that the Cohen's could have been like this for Ryan. And though I have no problem ripping on the Cohen's for how they approached raising Ryan, I can't always fault them - they made assumptions about him that are understandable for the most part, even if it pisses me off.
It's just too bad that you weren't hired as a consultant on the show (or writer, or producer, or creater of awesome storylines - The OC needed someone in that role that is for sure).
I, like you, wish the writers on the show had given us even a fraction of the storylines that were there for the taking. There were so many organic stories to tell, exploring Ryan's past, his integration into the Cohen family, his experiences as the fish out of water in his new surroundings... in someone else's hands we might not have seen so many opportunities squandered in favor of focusing on teen romance. Sigh.
Many, many thanks for reading.
I still find it profoundly sad that Ryan had much more limited contact (with so many people and so much standing in the way) with the Harts, yet he lived... on the Cohens' property (but NOT in their house, as this chapter makes clear!)for some time (with interruptions) with the access the Harts always hoped for, but the Cohens had him separated by physical walls, distance and parameters that reinforced it all. Me, too ( ... )
I haven't forgotten that very unsettling exchange in the "I see the jumpsuit still fits" S3 opener. Such gems- NOT. That one contained so many ringers. Sandy may have trumped them all with that cruel remark, but Seth's lack of knowledge and his rather unaffected, lethargic attitude were almost as disappointing. He didn't really know Ryan or even basic observations about him, and that didn't seem upsetting to him. Surprise. It only reinforced the sort of lackey/pound puppy profile and seemed to cement my speculation that Seth really only cared about Seth- no matter how extreme Ryan's plight might be.
Everything has a price. For Ryan, the cost always seems to be inflated and includes penalties with excessive interest that exact a consistently high personal toll.
And that got long! Hopefully, it made some sense. Back to my road trip!
Enjoy your travels...
As you know, I'm baaaaaaaack. (But I'd rather go back. Isn't that always the way? Take a break for almost 5 days and suddenly the concept of what a vacation might be emerges. People actually get real vacations every year. Imagine! I want to be one of those people when I grow up.)
Poor pound puppy... Sandy may have had the best of intentions, but zero attention span and sense of commitment. He wavered so quickly after the "muffin scene" with Julie in that very first arc. If only he'd taken just a little of responsibility and gone beyond making the statement. Ryan wasn't a prototype concept version who was "in development" when Sandy had the inclination to acknowledge him.
I'm also loving how you didn't let the pool house issue slide. Like Chic said it was probably just a good way to have more "almost-sex-scenes" on the show, but in reality having any kid, let alone a kid like Ryan, out there by himself was a horrible idea.
I think what makes me so very sad is when he recounts his conversation with Kirsten to the Harts he still refers to the main house as "their" house. That one word sums up how even after everything he's went through with the Cohens, he still doesn't really feel a part of them.
Thanks for still writing and not letting this story go.
I couldn't agree more about the pool house being a horrible idea, on so many levels.
I just wanted to say thank you for reading and commenting! I agree wholeheartedly that having Ryan outside in the pool house was a horrible idea for that kid, on many, many levels.
I don't know about you, but when Ryan asked Sandy in Season Three, in front of virtual stranger (Paul Glass from Berkeley) if he'd be able to come back to their house for holidays, that spoke volumes about whether he felt like he belonged.
The writers rarely showed us any reason to believe that things ever really changed, especially with Kirsten. Would it have killed them to show us Kirsten caring for Ryan at the hospital? She showed more concern for both Taylor and the Virginia ham than she did for Ryan. So many lost opportunities, weren't there?
Good thing we've got some of the fanfic stories that give us the attentive, concerned, & caring Cohens TPTB rarely did.
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