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Comments 20
1. What do you think of my journal name? Personally, I liked the old one better. Granted your life seems consumed with Chase now, but is that all you want to be known for?
What does my live journal name tell you about me? That your are Chase's mommy
2. What do you think of my icon? They're all very cute!
What does my icon tell you about me? That you love your son very much! :)
3. Do you like my user info page? Very much so
4. Just by reading my interests would you think I was someone you would want to get to know? Yes. I like meeting people who are in similar situations as me.
5. Do we have any of the same interests? babies, cats, clothes, cuddling, dvds, eyeliner, friends, hoodies, hugs, kisses, livejournal love, make up, music, pictures, pink, pregnancy, sex, shopping, starbucks, and stars
6. What do you think of my picture? I love your hair and the way you do your make-up!
Or if there is no picture of me, what do you think I look like based on reading my user info page? N/A
7. What do you think of the ( ... )
What does my live journal name tell you about me? your a loving mother
2. What do you think of my icon? precious <3 ( ... )
( ... )
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