pretty shiny things confuse senior citizens (aka chase likes girls)...

Dec 27, 2004 22:01

The Fockers ain't got nothing on the Waterhouses.

Actual Conversations Concerning Chase's New Love Interest On Christmas Day:

No, seriously, I transcribed it into real words and stuff.... )

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Comments 34

subpolka December 28 2004, 06:17:33 UTC
Wow. Great-Aunt and Granny are pretty Internet-savvy for - y'know - old people. I'm certainly impressed, as even electric can-openers remain a source of eternal vexation for dear ol' Granny Polka.

Nevermind: Way to score on first-date-hand-smoochage! Is this a high-five moment? I think so.


chasewaterhouse December 28 2004, 10:54:34 UTC
Yes. Grandmother loves her internet chat rooms. I think she has a church one where they talk about Jesus. And Jesus moderates. Or something.

High fives to the Dentist.


subpolka December 28 2004, 11:39:25 UTC
High fives to the Dentist? Nay, lad...we're not quite as brazen as you and the li'l Missus, having (finally) just advanced to indirect eye-contact...

Gesture appreciated, regardless. Down low!


5500 December 28 2004, 06:22:01 UTC
it's a good thing it wasn't eharmony, as i believe a marriage is secretly part of the agreement when you sign up.


chasewaterhouse December 28 2004, 10:55:34 UTC
I have flashes of "The Game" everytime I see that commercial. In that, yes, you "might" find love. But if you don't, they kill you.


5500 December 28 2004, 10:57:29 UTC
otherwise you'd skew their statistics.
and that clearly cannot happen.


chasewaterhouse December 28 2004, 11:15:59 UTC
If the Mafia ever join up with the Gay Mafia, our world will be in serious doo doo.


digame December 28 2004, 07:30:05 UTC
Old people are awesome. And ugly.


michaelpop December 28 2004, 09:53:49 UTC
And don't forget, old.


chasewaterhouse December 28 2004, 10:56:39 UTC
My grandparents should be in Cocoon 3.

They rock.


michaelpop December 28 2004, 09:56:24 UTC
You need to point her out to me. So I can, uh, approve.

Is it wilde_lover? Because with a name like that you can't lose.


chasewaterhouse December 28 2004, 11:00:03 UTC
What's the mystery in that, Mikey?

No. It's not Miss Lover. Although we have made out.

p.s. Stop posting non-comment posts, dude.


wilde_lover January 6 2005, 10:35:15 UTC
no we haven't!!

although, i have sucked on your ear once or twice.. ;-)


chasewaterhouse January 6 2005, 11:33:43 UTC
That wasn't you at your birthday party??



(The comment has been removed)

chasewaterhouse December 28 2004, 11:00:21 UTC
Wait...are we dating?


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