random ficness
My weight sank into the patent leather sofa as I sat down. My sister was shopping for tiny baby socks for the foetus growing in her. Expecting mothers made mundane conversation about their foetuses.This was obviously no place for an 19 year old male. I looked out of the shop and I saw a girl caught up with some conversation, through the shop window. Admittedly she looked like no model. But something about her struck me as absolutely dazzling. She was an angel, her face was smiling at the woman next to her, and her eyes twinkling as she laughed with one hand daintily covering her mouth. A natural blush spotted her plump cheeks and her hair moved like there was wind in it.
Then she did something quite unexpected - she yawned.
I chuckled and turned away. Nothing quite like the jolt of reality; Nothing's beautiful, everything's ordinary.