Good stuff… (grateful hat-tip to
the_m0nster for posting the link)
“The Aborigines are not surprised by the results of this re-evaluation of their lifestyles. A typical response is, ‘We have been telling you buggers this for years, but you would not believe us.’ ”
Comments 2
The American "Indians" Had complex societies, adobe cities and villages, crops, industry etc. But whitey only wanted furs and other hunter-gatherer type resources for trade (For guns, booze, dyptheria etc). So whole societies found it profitable to make a shitload of tents and ride horses hunting buffalo for a living.
All of which adds into that whole "Stone age savages" routine. Kinda makes me wonder how everyone forgets that one of our names for one of our evolutionary precursors was Homo Habilis, or WE KNOW HOW TO BUILD HOUSES BY NOW.
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