I'm not supposed to be posting this often, you guys. Dammit. No time, no time, no time.
But after Aphra's post, not to mention Em D's, I decided it was time to stop waiting on this bitch and 86 him right here. I'll let y'all do the math:
Posted to Nature Boy:
"Not to change the subject but you could probably get a girl to spend some time with you if you scored some Rohypnol like one of your classmates. He'll probably have some with him at the dance. Maybe he'll let you have some."
"You may not know him but Marlowe does."
To Charlotte:
"Make sure you stay in sight of your date at all times. Your sister knows why I am warning you about this. You can trust your date [Pope] but that's not true of all the boys who'll be there."
To J-to-the-A:
"Here's something else you wouldn't want your daddy to know: one of the boys coming to the dance has some of that date-rape drug. He's such a teacher's pet but if they only knew what he was up to wouldn't it be another story?"
To Brontaaaaay:
"You're safe with your date [Blake] but you can't trust all the boys who are going to the dance. Your friend Jane knows more."
To the Notorious D.O.T.:
"Dot you don't need to worry about Sam's sample case because he's not the one packing a dozen doses of date rape along with him to the dance. You can take care of yourself but not everyone is as smart."
To... Marlowe:
"While you're worrying about weed and schnapps, Junior G-man, maybe you should put the finger on the guy with the dozen doses of Rohypnol--or maybe you hope to take advantage of it and use it yourself."
To Aphra Puffz:
"I don't think it's either of your fashion victims [Lawrence, Conrad] but someone's toting some packets of date rape to the dance. Don't take any drinks from strangers."
Em D sums up the clues:
i. It's someone Cooper doesn't know, but Marlowe does.
ii. Not Marlowe, not Blake, not Pope, not Coleridge.
iii. Teacher's pet. (...Shakespeare? What?)
iv. It's a guy.
v. Jane A. & Emily B.'ve been named as knowing more. Probably because they've already gotten similar anonymous messages, but...eh. It's ambiguous.
BUT. These clues do NOT necessarily point to the culprit, but to the person whom, as Williams Blake and Wordsworth have pointed out, the culprit wants us to believe will be bringing ruphies to the dance. This is so obviously a framing, if only because no one actually trying to pull off a date rape would post to draw attention to it, and no one who was actually trying to protect the ladies would do so this cryptically or anonymously.
So who is the person our bitch is trying to frame? Rewording Em's clues:
- The frame-ee is not Marlowe, Blake, Pope, Coleridge, Lawrence, Conrad. But in addition, he is not Nature Boy -- as he posted to Cooper's LJ twice (this also rules out the five ladies above, and doubly rules out Marlowe.)
- The frame-ee "knows" Jane, EJ and Marlowe, but not Cooper.
- The frame-ee is male.
- The frame-ee is a teacher's pet.
What seems obvious to me is that the framer MUST be one of these, as he/she would want to draw as much attention away from him/herself. Perhaps doubly ruling someone out... points to that person all the more. At the very least, what Em has helped me provide is a list of suspects.
But who do the people I've mentioned hate enough to frame? Hell, let me throw myself into the mix: we all know I have had some words with Lovecraft in the past... though Lovie, you're growing on me. Lovie "knows" Jane, though perhaps not at well as we thought -- but a teacher's pet? And why does he specifically know Marlowe or EJ? The framer is not pointing to Lovecraft... so it probably is not me. You see how my method works here. Figuring out who the frame-ee is reveals the framer. God, I'm brilliant.
Who else mentioned above has a reason to frame someone? Hmmm. EJ is kinda anti-Francie, but looking again at our list... no, the frame-ee is male. Cooper thinks Pope is a little piece of dookie... but Pope is certainly not the frame-ee (and he knows Cooper quite well as he is a contributing writer).
If y'all don't see where I'm going with this, you're fired. But I gots to get back to work. I spent too much time on this Scooby Doo shit and now I'm hella behind.