sweet kaila!
me and ALY!
again me and aly!
aly and nathan!
haha brandon in red and own in yellow..heheh'
MR.POST! aka DILLOM..and the random guy with the lolli pop is jonathon..hah..he's a goof.
mr.post is telling me how to take pictures..hah.
i had jsut met him last night..and i think his name is foggle or something..haha.he's a cutie.
he amuses me.
haha..coloring book.!
coloring book for aly too!
ok so my dad was hella fun..i met new people..much fun fun fun..we won the homecoming game...yeeeeuh boi.
me and aly had a FUN time..(sarcastically)especially at the dance...there was a bat flying around the gym..ew..scary..girlie's screamed..it was fuuuunnnyy..yeah..so uhh..THAT WAS MY HOMECOMMING!