If it's none of our business then why do you both broadcast it all over the internet in your journals? That's like having an ultra secret you don't want anybody to know so you walk around school screaming it as loud as you can. I guess I'm missing something...
yeah, we arn't trying to hurt jacki, we jsut want to make us work. and for the time, kat jsut needs to get comfortable w/ me being around jacki again. meh.
thanks for the phone call the other day, it explained things a lot better\
so whats this i hear about you telling eth and nikki a bunch of what you knew in clas the other day?
chavid, i can really relate to you. i dont know your issues, and you probably dont know mine. but i can relate to you when you say that it is YOUR business and not anybody elses. Has anybody noticed that i've been pulling away from these people?? does anyone have any fucking clue why?? or care?? Aren't these people sick of the drama? Yet, they keep continuing it and gossiping and talking about other people's shit. grow up people and suck it up. i hate people who get into other people's relationships and judge us for it. and judge us for our mistakes. everyone makes mistakes. WHAT THE FUCK people, mind your own fucking business. all im trying to say is, i agree with you, chavid. =) (thanks for allowing me to vent in your livejournal. lol.)
haha thank you... thank you for that. people are stupid, ive come to realize that lately, as david keeps telling me "people suck". and its so true... people crave on drama, whether they liek to admit or not, and when something dramatic is going on they all rush for it, grabbing at it, tearing it apart. and its NONE of their business. thank youy for understanding nikki. it means a lot to me. im so tired of everyones bullshit, they make me feel so fuckin crappy, i swear i wanna disapear becuase of all of them. argh.
Comments 27
thanks for the phone call the other day, it explained things a lot better\
so whats this i hear about you telling eth and nikki a bunch of what you knew in clas the other day?
I did mention to them the text you sent me, is that what you're talking about?
haha thank you... thank you for that. people are stupid, ive come to realize that lately, as david keeps telling me "people suck". and its so true... people crave on drama, whether they liek to admit or not, and when something dramatic is going on they all rush for it, grabbing at it, tearing it apart. and its NONE of their business. thank youy for understanding nikki. it means a lot to me. im so tired of everyones bullshit, they make me feel so fuckin crappy, i swear i wanna disapear becuase of all of them. argh.
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