I'll have something more to say about DH, one of these days, but for now, having heard JKR's latest pronouncements, I'd just like to say...
Somehow, I have a feeling that Jo's image of "hero" looks a lot like a guy in spandex and a billowy red cape, holding up a sword and radiating the Power of Righteousness or something. Utterly simplistic and idealized. :-P
It just boggles my mind that she can't appreciate the wonderfully complex, flawed, human hero she's created in Snape.
My mom just pointed out that Cedric, had he lived, would be Jo's idea of a hero, and thinks she's a Hufflepuff at heart.
She'd be one of those 'Puffs who looks up to the Big, Brave Gryffindors, no doubt. Us Ravenclaws and the Slytherins...well, clearly we're too swotty, complicated, scary, and/or dark to be heroes. *rg*