So, Mark facebook-messaged me, and told me he liked this other girl (not Susie) and asked me for my advice.
I'm the only person from our friend group who he told (another friend of his, not from our group, figured it out and he confirmed) and he was asking me for help and saying he wanted to write her a poem and I was being supportive and told him to go for it (this girl actually does like him too- Susie told me they talked about it.) and I told Susie (I felt like a complete asshole, but I would also feel like an asshole not telling her.) AND SHE WAS COOL WITH IT. SHE SAID IT WAS "CUTE". LATER ON SHE SAID SHE WAS SAD BUT SHE WAS ALSO JOKING AND ACTING LIKE IT WASN'T A BIG DEAL.
I mean I'm happy she's okay but I'm also unhappy that Mark just nonchalantly ripped my heart out. I'm touched that he chose to tell me, he has tons of friends and the fact that he considers me that close makes me really happy, just cause I like feeling that people can trust me, but I'm also upset that I had to basically tell him how to ask out another girl.
lol, this is so ridiculously cliche, I feel like I'm in a bad Taylor Swift song. I feel bad complaining about this when there are people out there with actual problems.
I'm going to go listen to Taylor Swift songs and bask in my first-world problems. blahhh.