Title: In Good Taste [Part Ten]
Pairing(s): YulTi
Rating/Genre: R; Coming Out, Girl-Meets-Girl
Disclaimer: I don’t own Soshi. I don’t own anyone, in fact. All Fiction.
Warning(s): Small snippet of sexiness, but you’ll live.
Author’s Notes: Omgomgomg this is the home stretch, people. I’m getting close-to-end-fic jitters. If you’ve creeped my Twitter, I’
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Comments 21
also Gucci aaaye I've been listening to that song all week
I'm trying to play GTAV for the first time with my also noob friends it's hilarious
Oooooo do you play on PS4 or Xbox?? You can message me later. haha
The friendship between soo and yul is so damn precious. They reflect each other and complemented each personalities. I envy such relationship.
Yultiii!!!!!! They're so sweet. My mom thought that i was flirting someone while on phone, but i'm just reading the yulti scene. Aww, tiff will meet soo and they arr already OFFICIAL. They're so inlove and yuri is so different to all of tiff:s past douchebag relationship.
I'm so lovin this fic and thus always patiently wait fir the weekly update. Thank you
"I equally loathe and pity him at the same time."-- hahahah, I feel you.
I really love their friendship, too. She keeps Yul from taking everything so seriously, too. B'aww, I hope you find that kind of relationship/friendship, too, bb~
OMG WE'RE YOU GRINNING THAT HARD AT YOUR PHONE?!?! What a compliment. THANK YOUUUUU. This also cracks me up that gooey fluffy scenes are making you look flirty. Ugh, Tiffany had a total upgrade from those messy past relationships. They were fun to make up, though! xD
Thank youuuuuuuuu for loving this so much. ;___;
Yep, it’s that point in the story where I’m sitting here, holding a bunch of loose ends, reminding myself to sort stuff out.
“I doubt Soo would have approached Yul first too.”- I really enjoy when readers can infer things about a character like this. :33
EVERYONE DOES IN THIS FIC *DOES* NEED A HUG. ((I’d be more selective about the planet one, but I know what you mean, hehe)) And you hit the nail on head for their feelings about the distance. Yul go caught up; Sooyoung felt neglected. I pretty much just nodded through that whole paragraph.
YUP. BYE, HAN. Soo’s pretty wonderful; Yuri’s pretty much kicking herself for missing out on the acceptance for so long.
“I was so afraid he’d take up Han’s ways but boy know what’s good.” - This sentence had me on the floor HAHAHAHA. TOO GOOD. The more I wrote this, the more I realize how much of a fixture Taek is in Yul’s live. Whenever I wanted to just nix him out, I reminded myself how unrealistic it is, being that he was Yuri’s partner for so long ( ... )
I’m so happy they’re finally girlfriends! YUS!
And bring in the Sooyoung and Fany meeting haha it’s going to be wonderful.
The meeting happenssss next chapter! go, go!
Thanks for reading~~~~
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