Title: In Good Taste [Part Eleven]
Pairing(s): YulTi
Rating/Genre: PG-13 + Language; Coming Out, Girl-Meets-Girl
Disclaimer: I don’t own Soshi. I don’t own anyone, in fact. All Fiction.
Warning(s): Some homophobia.
Author’s Notes: To clarify, this fic will have thirteen chapters in all! Sorry if my ‘final stretch’ made it seem like it’s ending sooner,
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Comments 21
I loved ur last update btw I was reading in public and A SUDDEN SMUT APPEARED AHAHAHAH
Ok I'll be back hhh
Damn that savage ripping of taekwoon worldview yes Tiffany
How is her dad not okay with her being gay when he lives a lecherous lifestyle the Bible condemns LOL
Good writing as always bb <3
It's sad to know that this fic will be ending soon. No more saturday yulti fics for me. Is it possible to have a skandl yulti sequel? It it's only possible and okay. Thank you for your hardwork. You're always a blessing
The first two initiators of this line of comments should be the apostles Peter and Paul of the church of Skandl!Yulti.
Hello, hellloooOOoOOooo
Your fangirl comments aren’t spammy to me at all, but I love the frequent contact. It reminds me that boxxy and I should stop slacking on recording, lol. Yesss, two more chapters. We shall see if I’m inspired to sex it up in either again. ;D
Omg I don’t remember how’d decided to make Fany and Taek meet while outlining, but it felt only right. As I’ve mentioned before, Taek’s an ever-presence in this story, slowly less and less so as the it wraps up. Tiffany’s a glutton for pain, but it’s entertainment to us, right?! hehe
“Tiff crying in her car and ruining her makeup made me feel the feels.”- :(((((
Oh, I had to drop off that cute text at the end. Yuri’s her little drop of sunshine on a cloudy day. :D
Hahahahhahaha one of my favorite parts is Yoong warning Soo about sleeping with SinBi in from of Seohyun, too! It’s just so ridiculous. AND YESSSS. MORE CUSTOMER STALKING AND NO NAME TAGS.
Thank youuuuuuu for the awesome reactions each chapter. <333
I'm just at a loss for words rn but u da best, checks-nim. Way to leave me in awe everytime with your writing. The weekly updates are definitely worth waiting for, fo sho
In awe!?!? Gaaahhhhh, I'm soft, thank you. Fo sho, I try my best~~
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