Title: In Good Taste [Part Thirteen] [FINAL]
Pairing(s): YulTi
Rating/Genre: R; Coming Out, Girl-Meets-Girl
Disclaimer: I don’t own Soshi. I don’t own anyone, in fact. All Fiction.
Warning(s): There’s no epilogue, but this part is epilogue-adjacent, lol.
Author’s Notes: An early post! Yay, Friday! Two perspectives in this chappie cus I’m trying trying
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Comments 10
Back to the rereading this again haha.
How come you didn’t include the meeting if Yuri’s parents? I was really looking forward to Tiffany charming their socks off!
I laughed so hard at one line, “I’ll be like, ‘Surprise, heifer!” I’m almost embarrassed to say I use the word heifer in my everyday conversations way to much. I was not expecting it to pop up in the drunk dialogue at all.
Good job finishing another one! Now I need to get my ass in gear and finish my own. ❤️
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