Title: The Yami No Matsuei Cinderella Story *not creative* Author: _superherogirl_ Genre: Humor/Romance/Parody Rating: PG-13 to be safe
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You updated! Woohoooo!! I really can't wait to see Prince Tatsumi!
But I wonder, when the Tsuzukirella goes to the ball, will he be wearing that dress suit or just a dress? I always pictured Tsu-chan in a lovely ball gown...*talks on and on about crossdressing Tsu-chan*
Thank you so much girlie, you're always so uber sweet! <333 And you could definitely count on Prince Tatsumi to finally make his appearance on the next chappy! :D
LOL I was having the same dilemma, I will certainly have a cracktastic bit with him in a ball gown, but I;m not going to spoil it too much. :3 Once again thank you so much!! *huggles*
Comments 2
But I wonder, when the Tsuzukirella goes to the ball, will he be wearing that dress suit or just a dress? I always pictured Tsu-chan in a lovely ball gown...*talks on and on about crossdressing Tsu-chan*
Thank you so much girlie, you're always so uber sweet! <333 And you could definitely count on Prince Tatsumi to finally make his appearance on the next chappy! :D
LOL I was having the same dilemma, I will certainly have a cracktastic bit with him in a ball gown, but I;m not going to spoil it too much. :3 Once again thank you so much!! *huggles*
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