zafra wrote in
Jun 14, 2012 21:11
It seems to be that Thursdays are working out to be 'the day'. :-) So... writing? Words? Gimme some sugar, baby!
word count
zafra wrote in
Jun 01, 2012 10:11
Better late than never I suppose! The holiday weekend here threw me. Anyone else use that time to write?
word count
zafra wrote in
May 15, 2012 13:02
So, here it is again! Tuesday! What've you folks been up to? Writing I hope!
word count
zafra wrote in
May 08, 2012 13:56
It's another Tuesday! The exact next Tuesday - so how about we do this weekly right now since I can't be relied upon to post?!
word count
zafra wrote in
May 01, 2012 16:19
Well, I was supposed to write a post for today! Maybe with luck I'll kick out some words later. How about you all?!
word count
zafra wrote in
Apr 30, 2012 17:36
Aaah, Monday. That other week that's passed? Irrelevant. ;-) Words now are what count!
word count