wow let me tell you, orchestra concerts are the best....ha not...well accaully ihad fun when we wern't playing lmfao calling random people yea that was accually really entertaining. hahah Stacy that was fun
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WARNING....THIS IS GONNA B THE LAST ENTRY THATS NOT FOR FRIENDS ONLY SO if you not friended then leave me a post an i'll friend you so u can keep reading
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if i decide to keep this journal im gonna make it friends only so if you wanna b able to keep readin this just ask me to friend you if your not all ready <3Rachelle
don't bother checking back on this cuz its pointless an im not updating ne more...if your really my friend then you would all ready konw whats going on in my life an not need to be reminded on this stupid journal that proabbly no one reads ne wayz so c ya