Check out the new promotional ad for GoF.
Interesting that Hermione is in the middle. *coughlovetrianglecough*
Wouldn't it be interesting if they show a little jealousy on Ron's part
regarding the Rita Skeeter story about Harry and Hermione. That is if
that subplot makes it into the movie. They all look so serious! I like
it that they are sticking with the
bluish background feel that they started with PoA. Of course, that
might change.
Random movie thoughts: Interesting that there has been no "We are
shooting the scenes with Ralph Finnes!" statements. I know he shaved
his head for the movie and I can't wait to see him as Voldie. I think
he's going to be brilliant. I wonder if they will release pics with him
or are they going to hold them out for people that might not have read
the book so the suprise ending isn't ruined.
Anyone know when filming ends?
It appears that Emma is the
default awards show representative. Rupert would rather
run screaming about boogers through a musuem.
Who knows what Dan's doing. Studying for his exams, I guess. I'm not
crazy about Emma's outfit. She had me until I saw the jeans tucked into
the knee high black go-go boots. I don't care where you live, that's
not good taste. And, my dream is to see Rupert in a shirt that doesn't
'say' something and jeans with no holes. The shirts I can live with,
the mother in me wants to darn the jeans.
The best thing about a_chapter_a_day? Watching the days tick down until the release of HBP. It is going so much faster, I think.
I've seen two pieces of art that I can't believe I like. One was an
NC-17 of Ron and Harry. I hate, hate, hate the pairing, but when I
blocked out the faces it was, erm, nice. Especially the thigh of the
dark haired mystery guy. Then, there was a Sirius/Remus that I believe
silverbookworm recced on her journal. Not much into
that pairing, although it doesn't have near the squick factor that
Harry with any male does, but a little pervy part of me liked it. I
guess the same pervyy part of me that liked the *coughdetailscough* in
the Harry and Ron pic.
Must go do something productive. Maybe I'll eat ice cream. Produce a little fat for my thighs.
When I start reading these pairings it is time to get out of fandom.