[Player name] Chrissy
[Age] 18
[Personal Journal]
multitasks[Other characters currently played] N/A
[Character name] Elizabeth Middleford
[Age] 13/14 (never stated, but it was given that she is an year older than Ciel, who is currently 13)
[Canon] Kuroshitsuji
[Point in time taken from canon] Manga-verse; Chapter 58
Elizabeth's page on the wikia♥
Kuroshitsuji wikia main page♥
Wikipedia page [Personality]
(Wiki links are allowed)
[Other important stuff]
[Sample post]
[First Person]
[Third Person]
[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] We'd just like to get an idea of why you wish to play this particular character. No need for anything lengthy, just a sentence or two will work (but giving us more than that is perfectly A-OK!). We will NOT judge applicants by how they respond to this question.
[Which rule was your favorite and why?]
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] (Optional)
[Any questions?]