yeh some ppl just suck

Feb 01, 2005 14:47

So I ask myself often...Why do I go through so much trouble to help my frendz wen they need help when I know If I really need their help someday, they won't be there (they'll be there in person but won't bother to do a thing). Bites me is u ask me ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

got_jenny February 1 2005, 20:45:09 UTC
Awwww! Lari I love you!! I'm so sorry about the bio objectives. I left an away message up because I lost your e-mail and couldn't send them to you and I felt SOOOO bad!! =((( I hope you weren't talking about me! But I'm really really sorry! Hope things get better. I'm here if you need to talk =)


sudzie88 February 1 2005, 21:00:06 UTC
lari bari! i hope this isnt about me [i dont think it is, but give me the heads up if im mistaken].. i know some people suck, and you know im always here to talk to whenever you need. i might not understand first hand what you're going through but ill listen and try to give advice the best i can. love youuuu


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