So I haven't been totally lucky enough to see all my cousins this visit because one of them is in Banff (And 4 are in Vancouver...but well, i don't have any stories about them). Yeah, little
Rowan who is now two years old has all sorts of stories floating over from Banff that constantly amaze me. I met her when she was one and she could communicate through sign language.
So now, I hear stories such as when a friend was visiting their home and she had some vitamin bottles and saw Rowan eyeing them. She was worried about Rowan wanting to take them and swallow them and she said something about that. Rowan replied "I am just looking with my eyes; I am keeping my hands safe behind my back." Totally awesome. I'm also told she likes to eat sushi! Her favourite is shrimp along with calamari and smoked salmon. I love that her taste is rad and we can go eat a lot of sushi when I see her next. Sigh, my family is lucky as they get to hang with her in Cuba in December while I work in Japan.
Speaking of which, I now wonder why we didn't go to sushi in toronto... ...oh well.
I also learned that Hannah, one of the cousins i visited, scored a winning goal in some soccer tournament to break a 1-1 tie! It was in the
news. Due to my soccer fever in the past month, this is also awesome to me. She apparently beat like four players and put it past the keeper. Exciting! I'd put Hannah on my Kingston fantasy soccer league team. Oh yeah, she's 10 years old but she's about the size of a six or eight year old. I swear Hannah hasn't grown in the past 4 years...
Then on to my older cousin, Nha, who took a half of the pictures in my gallery of Ontario visit pictures. She just finished high school and is going to university. I wasn't really surprised when Tiffany (the one living in my house) or her brother went because they're just one or two years younger than me but Nha is young!...Well, she was. Oh how they grow up so fast. Her brother just finished junior high, which means he goes into high school at grade 9 (oh how Ontario is so different). Here's a
picture of them. Nha is on the right, Ti is her brother in the center. That's Mai Ly on the left, daughter of my rich uncle. Luckily, she is young (fourteen!), though I thought she was older than she was...
Speaking of kids growing older, Sam (Hannah's older sister, by a whopping two years) has grown bangs. Big news! ...Well, not really. But Gillian seemed to think it was a big deal. And so did Nha. They're in
this picture, Sam being the one with her eyes closed. Hannah and Andrew are twins...funny huh? Maybe not.
I guess I meant to just put up the Rowan stories (and i excluded a few that involved peeing and pooing) but I'm proud of all of their accomplishments! They're always amazing me. Of course, it's awkward now because some of them may be reading this.
Also, for those of you who have noticed that I call some of them by their Vietnamese names and others by their English names, well, that's just cause it's what I do. Mostly the older kids get their vietnamese names. The middle ones get a mixture of both, while the younger ones get English names. There is one exception and that's Xuan, who I call
Xuan and not Joanna (i think that's her english name. Well, as you can see, it could be that I just don't know it). Also, Rowan doesn't have a Vietnamese name (that I know of).
And well, that's it.