So I'm giving people some options! You may click this cut and view 200 or so pictures in all their glory or you can head over to my
scrapbook and browse yourself.
These pictures come from Gillian, Jason and Laura (Jason's girlfriend in case you didn't read the last post) so at times it'll be obvious which camera a certain picture came from.
Gillian and I get our picture taken in front of the mirror before we head down to the Henry House
Anna and some people at the Henry House
Natalie and Norman in the flash!
Looks like a toast...maybe. I only remember one toast though, and I made it, with a bottle of ketchup.
So many of us!
Laura looks happy.
Finn and Lauren in conversation
Nick and Norman, also happy.
Did I take this?
It's Daniel! I forget the name of the girl on the left...she works at Strange Adventures!
Emma and Jonathan.
Daniel and Beth!
Don't start making me remember names.
Alexis and Ben
Micah, Eilidh's husband? and Eilidh.
Jeff, Megan and Micah
Anthony and Anna
Blurry Sarah
We're looking tired. Unfortunately, we also look like we're staring longingly at each other.
Natalie, Norm, Nick
Anthony and Jonathan looking mischevious.
Egyptians bowling at our Bachelorette party!
And again.
Gillian prepping the chapel
Poof, she's gone
It's a sign
Anthony and I. Micah is hanging out.
Me, Micah and Jason.
Japanese pose
Sarah (Micah's sister) and her husband Anthony
Anna realizes what she's done...but it's too late (for the second time)
The giraffe grazes.
Gillian and the giraffe.
Norm and Natalie probably ready to head to the reception
No giraffe, the cake is not for you
Please ignore the man behind the curtain
"I will eat more cake than I should and some animals may die...Ha ha ha..."
Norman trying to get to the cake before the giraffe...
Reception hall
Norman, Anna, Natalie
Looks like I manage to sneak into a picture...but while saying something
Cut that cake
Jonathan hands over the 'knife'
Lots of pictures
So many pictures
Licking the icing
I guess I give a speech.
My talking face
Gillian and Anna
I make them laugh
Too much flash on Anna and Alexis
Emma and Gillian
Gillian, Micah not ready.
Much better
Micah, Anna, Emma, Jonathan shots begin
MicAnnah and Normalee!
Micah, Anna and Gillian and Mee
The mathies. I realize I still forget which Geo/Jeff does his name that way...but i think it's ...
Geoff, Megan, Micah, Finn, Jeff!
At the Dingle for morning pictures.
Jason and Micah doing some glasses thing
Paula, Anna's sister
Paula meets the giraffe.
The sisters by a tree
At the wedding...
Jason tickles Laura
The wedding party
Jason, Me, Micah, Anna, Mark and Paula
Another wedding party shot
Anna and her parents
CIA ...secret service for the groom!
Anna talks to some bystanders
What's that sign on that truck say?
Natalie for President!!
At the Hamachi House
Micah photographing himself at the Hamachi House
Pictures through a glass
Jason through a glass
So happy
At the reception
Micah's cousins. I only know Jason's name...
Laura taking pictures at the public gardens
Giant fish at I love sushi
Ellis the photographer fixes us
Go team flip flops. Gillian, me, Natalie...
I dunno what's going on here
Holding Anna's Shawl
Check your sporin
Hacky Sack after the wedding
SQUID! A precision drumming group busking our waterfront
Micah and Dad
Eating lunch before the wedding.