Kay so I'm not accepted into some super fancy shmancy learning maths and sciences college or some art college but heck I'm in UTD That's good enough for me!! Just got the acceptance letter today ooohohohoh yes I'm happy now. Now I don't have to worry about if I'll be a waif searching for a school or not HUZZAH. Also, Dallas (w...well its in Richardson but all the same) is a pretty cool place (frickin A it gets cold and windy there. |8<<<) and well my aunt lives in Arlington so uh..she's sorta near by! So its uh cool COOL UM YEAH I'M..OH WOW I'M STARTING TO GET MORE EXCITED ABOUT THIS AS I THINK ABOUT IT MORE WA-hoo. Oh man, I'm excited now..sorta..kinda. Ehehh..uh this means I need to be nicer to my parents now so I won't leave them on a bad note or something cause..uh..recently I haven't exactly been to gr8 around my dad aw. ;m; I'm sorry daddy I ruv you really. ...Lol they gave me a bumper sticker along with the acceptance letter its...kinda funny. Cause I was joking with my mom in the car "Lol sorry you didn't get accepted, SO HERE have a bumper sticker -smilesmile-". Ahhhhhh
Well in other news um. Solo and Ensemble is tomorrow. |:
|: And one of the members of our ensemble was sick today so I can only hope he'll hopefully be well enough to come play tomorrow omg plz. ;A; But once that's done I'll be sooooooooooooooo...momentarily relieved. I still have other things that need be done, but not as..taxing as this (except for english paper prospective |: |: AAAAAAAAAAAAH.) Uhh lesse lesse OH dude I had this super freaking adorable lady as a substitute teacher for pharmacy one day and and she just made me "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWCUTELADY ;A;" during class all day. She was like telling us stories and I was the first one in the room so I was sitting there talking with her for a while. It was her first day back as a sub cause some freakin girl bowled her over in the hallway and what broke her hand. When she told me that I was like "omg no ;m; -sob-" Seriously, this lady was adorable omg. And she's a retired chemistry teacher ahaha..aw man I miss chemistry OH DUDE and she knew my chemistry teacher from 10th grade too haha. ahhh...well uh ummmmooh ohyeah! I got my friend hooked on the music I like to listen to now, haha its pretty awesome. Uh..yeah that's it back into lurk mode