(no subject)

Nov 19, 2005 19:41

[A is for age]
Age is but a number!...once you're 18. And dammit Janet I am not yet! Things in my head will be so much less complicated once I'm 18...

[B is for booze of choice:]
I HATE alcohol...lol every kind I've tried, except for this one year where we had this really good champagne for New Year's.

[C is for career:]
Broadcast journalist, of course.

[D is for your dog's name:]
Lucy and RCA...there's two of them, I don't have a bipolar dog. ;)

[E is for essential items you use everyday:]
eyeliner, makeup in general, shampoo, warmth (blankets and the like), the computer, and of course my Ricky Martin CD. haha had to throw that one in...

[F is for favorite song at the moment:]
My Humps, my humps, my humps, my humps...my lovely lady lumps...check it out!

[G is for favorite game:]
Baseball! Boardgame= Life. Life is life. ;)

[H is for hometown:]
That little place down south. Get your mind out of the gutter.

[I is for instruments you play:]
piano and flute

[J is for jam or jelly you like...]

[K is for kids?]
lol of course, they're all just in my attic with Bertha *shhhh*

[L is for last kiss:]
Still waiting...yep...

[M is for mom's job:]
Claim's something or other

[N is for name of your crush:]
haha wouldn't you like to know? lol well, right now it's Edgar and possibly some other guys

[O is for overnight hospital stays:]
well we all stay overnight when we're born

[P is for phobias:]

[Q is for quotes you like:]
"Ooh, look, I-I may not be an explorer, or-or and adventurer, or a treasure seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell! But I am proud of what I am."
"And what is that?"
"I...am a librarian!"

"It's Hook! He flies! And he likes it!" hahaha I <3333 Jason Isaacs sooooo much...

[R is for relationship that lasted the longest]
3 months (Hello, Josh! haha)

[S is for sexual preference:]
guys like WHOA

[T is for time you wake up:]
6:05 weekdays (gosh, that's specific...ah, in time for D'Amico's history quiz, I suppose) and whenever on weekends, although usually 8 or 9...or 10 if I'm REALLY out of it.

[U is for underwear:]
of course it is.

[V is for vegetable you love:]
LARRY THE CUCUMBER! haha carrots are good

[W is for worst habit:]
saying "like" every other word...but don't we all? ;)

[X is for x-rays you've had]
4 or 5...or 6...all those ones when I broke my butt. lol don't ask.

[Y is for yummy food you make:]

[Z is for zodiac sign:]

Okie dokie, so I am once again dateless. lol it turns out Edgar HAD to go on the trip so yes, I'm on the hunt again. Lilly is going to get me and probably my friends (if they don't ask their guys or their guys can't go) dates. WOOT! for Lilly! lol I felt really bad, though, cause for the rest of the day I kept seeing Edgar but didn't realize it was him till he'd walk away, so I think he might think I'm ignoring him...but I was nice (as usual) to him on Friday, so perhaps tis all good.
OH MY BAZ! Time for squealy fangirly Harry Potter goodness! WOOOOOOT! like whoa squared cubed to pi with a Rochizzle the shiznit twist! That sounded kind of dirty...ANYWAY, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was ABSOLUTELY FREAKING AMAZING, everyone MUST see it! Although, I'm sure everyone on my friends list already has, cause they're super duper awesome like that. Gahhh even when Jason Isaacs is evil he's gorgeous (which is most of the time in his films...poor guy, I still love you! lol)! And Alan Rickman...don't even get me started. Oh my Baz, he's just...HOT! lol yeah, I'm weird, I know. And of course there was THAT scene with Daniel Radcliffe (*hint hint wink wink* to all who have seen it ;) )...WHOA I lost it along with the rest of the theater. lol total fangirly squeeage going on there. And Rupert Grint...and James and Oliver Phelps...what is there not to love in this movie? Everyone and everything was spectacular! spectacular! and now I have no words left in my vernacular (if I had any to begin with) to describe it. So I'll move on. BUT YOU MUST SEE IT...AGAIN!
So I'm reallllly nervous (and filled with slight consternation hahaha) about giving tours tomorrow to the parents at school...on my own. lol without the aid of the fantabulous Lauren! What the heck is going to interest them? Sure a brief history of the school is cool, and the clubs, and the Great Books (WOOT!)/Honors/AP classes, but...ahhhhh! lol Johnson, I feel purple. I need to go biking to get away from math. haha okay sorry, that was a post-8th-hour-bugging-Mr. Cosden thing...he has this hilarious sheet that says "Simplify!" and it's like "The only proper noun is Johnson, the only adjective is purple, the only verbs are being and biking, the only concept is math, and the only noun is box." So it has things like "Love was such an easy game to play" and then *ahem* "translates" that to "Math was a purple box. Let's go biking." Oh my freaking Baz monkies, I LOVE it! lol such fun, such fun...alrighty, well I better get started on those massive theology notes. lol oh joy. lyl all, au revoir for now! :-D
P.S. How could I forget? Monday= turkey carve-off with BILL KELLY of 12 News! WOOOOOOOT! Oh my Bazness, I cannot WAIT! And 15 days till the big 16! WOOT! :-D
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