Hectic weekend so heres the story: I'm hanging out Friday night doing usual stuff which is nothing and my parents call saying they got invited to some mass or another for people celebrating their 25th and 50th anveriserys this year and they wanted to go so they swing by drop tony off for saturday and they go up to savannah to this mass thing so
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So I'm sittin here minding my own bussiness when i notice hey my interwebs has stopped working it does that from time to time so i do what i always do reset the computer well it comes up and i go to put in the password and ...nothing... so i reset agian assuming my comp is being dumb and still it won't let me me type... after about an hour of
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Hey I'm up and can't sleep you wanna know why my wonderful neighbor decided hey lets turn the music up full blast its a GREAT IDEA..... yeah you wish well after about 3:00 minutes of constant bass I decided to find out what mr popo thought about their fun so now their little shindig is over take that noisy neighbors assholes i gave you like 12
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Classes it sucks that they start at 9 am but hey it everyday so i have no excuse to skip them so the list first mon 9 theres managerial accounting.... blech but i have to take it and it shouldn't be that hard cause it seems alot like my hospitalitaly accounting class which i made an A in so hey i'm good next it's intro to food science not bad
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Lie away: If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want -- good or bad -- BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T
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*quietly teleports away* yeah did you see that i posted yup that was a great one too.... yeeeeah i'm not fooling anyone with this am i? no didn't think so... well I will get a SUPER AWESOME UPDATE OF AWESOME RULENESS!!! as soon as finals decide to not happen.... wait that won't happen either... well as soon as they stop being here no moreish... me
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I updated my journal so now it looks..dun..dun.dun COMPLETELY different yup i decided them features they added oh say uh.... a year ago should go to use so yeah thats my update and i might change some stuff eventually agian...
Bold those you've read. Italicize those you haven't finished. Underline those you own. Add at least 2 books to the list at the bottom you read, finished, and own.
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want, either good or bad. I promise not to come after you with a SPOON either way
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not much has been going on lately nothing all that exciting atleast... so what has been happening is discovering ways to hang up christmas lights which may seem stupid because i'll only be in town all of 2 weeks but hey its something to do so yeah aside from that and a crap load of work thats about all thats been going on here