Back to school

Aug 11, 2010 04:47

This afternoon I was just sitting there in my classroom doing nothing when a distressed classmate arrived and sat right next to me, in a way that I was siting between her and her trustworthy friend.

Distressed classmate: I had a fight with _____ *insert some guy's name... well, specifically, the name of the guy she's engaged to*

Friend of classmate: Why? O_O

DC: It was ugly... my best friend told him that I was with him because I'm pregnant.

Me: (Thinking: "I should go and sit somewhere else... fuuuuuuuuck!  =____=UUUU")

FoC: OMG! Are you pregnant?!

DC: What? NO! But that's what he thinks... idiot.

Me: (Laughing my ass off inwardly)

DC: And you know what he said? He said that he doesn't know what has gotten into him, but even if he loves me, he's looking for other women.

-When I heard this, my BS detector went crazy-

FoC: Can't believe he said that!

DC: And that's why I told him that if it turns out that I'm pregnant and he doesn't want to take responsibility for the child, he'll never meet him! I told him that I can support my son because I'm an independent woman... and you know what he said? He said that I was just rubbing in his face that I have more money than him.

Me: (Thinking: Whaaaaaaaaaat? Did I miss anything? Didn't she say that she was not pregnant? Shiiit, man! :S )

FoC: Of course not! It just proves that you are strong. You may not have much, but what you have it's because you've worked hard to get it.

DC: I'm taking the [pregnancy] test tomorrow!

This is what I get for... sitting there looking like I care about some random stranger's problems? WTF! o_O;


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