katie issuebrunnettebabyOctober 8 2004, 15:26:46 UTC
i read what katie typed and now i wanna say something to her because what she typed was wrong and no one should ever feel that way because when i felt that way someone said i should see a suicide therapist and i did it helped but when we get the chance we are going to talk to her together to have her say what she feels it is sad that she can't come to me and say how she feels i am her own sister i feel ashamed of my self that she cant come to me and talk to me about what is happening well got to go to work now see you later at school moday remeber to get a homecoming ticket monday or before friday because you could win a dvd player that is color at the pep assembly well see you later bye also are you mad at me when i said HI sarah when i drove by you while you were walking with brandon and everyone else. Also if you dont like when i say a little lie and then tell you the truth then you should of told me that awhile before well talk to you later about it when i can talk to you face to face bye
Re: katie issuecheez_it452October 8 2004, 17:38:40 UTC
Katie feels much better after she talked to me... she started feeling better. DO NOT TELL YOUR PARENTS SHE SAYS!!!!and I am talking to her cuz I'm like a sister to her too. although you are her sister. lol but still... it is hard to come to family members... If you no what I mean!!!!
Re: katie issuebrunnettebabyOctober 8 2004, 18:44:50 UTC
well fine if she cant talk to me anymore of how she feels then why don't she move in with you that way i dont have to worry about knowing how she feels you tell her that or i wll tell my parents of what she said on her live journal i am chaniging my password and you wont be able to know it
Comments 8
i am chaniging my password and you wont be able to know it
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