Summary: When Gabriel is tasked with caring for a child, he immediately knows that this isn't a good idea. So he instead sends the kid to someone he knows is mature and responsible enough - Castiel. This can only end in tears.
Warnings: Some violence in this one. Protective Castiel is protective.
Disclaimer: HP and SPN are not mine. More's the pity.
A/N: I don't know where the story Castiel tells Teddy comes from, just that I read it somewhere years ago and fell in love with it. Pretty sure it was on a wallpaper.
In this, 'On the Head of a Pin' went a little differently than the series. THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A FLUFFY FIC! What happened? It's somehow taken a turn for the serious.
"There once was a tiger-striped cat. He died a thousand deaths and was reborn a thousand times, and was owned by a thousand people he never cared for."
"Dude," Dean whispered as he and Sam paused outside of the door to their motel room. "What's Cas on? And where can I get some?"
Sam shrugged back and opened the door, to see Castiel sitting on one of the beds, leaning against the headboard with legs laid out on the covers in front of him. Teddy was sitting next to him, half curled into his father's coat, Castiel's arm around him as he spoke.
"One day, the tiger-striped cat was born a free cat, a stray cat. He met a white cat, and the two spent their days together."
The weirdest thing wasn't the story Castiel was telling. It was the fact that Uriel lay on the floor in the middle of the room, eyes open and lifeless. There was a sword sticking out of his chest, and both Castiel and Teddy were staring at the apparently dead angel.
"The two cats grew old together, and on the day the white cat died, the tiger-striped cat cried a thousand tears, then lay down to die. He was never reborn again."
Sam and Dean shared a look, then edged around the corpse to approach the still alive angel. Castiel had fallen silent, eyes slightly vacant, and Teddy was playing with the angel's hand. The brothers tried to think of a way to approach the question delicately, before Dean decided to just come out with it.
"Dude… what the Hell?"
"Dean," Sam hissed, then tried to smile at Castiel. "Hey, Cas, can you tell us what happened?"
"Bad," Teddy piped up, sending a fierce glare at the dead Uriel. Well, as fierce as an eighteen-month-old could get. Which was actually fairly scary, given his natural werewolf genes.
"Uriel was bad?" Sam asked, seeing that Castiel was still a little out of it.
"Not like that's anything new," Dean smirked. "Guy's a di…" he trailed off, glancing at the child, before shaking himself. "Well, he's never been nice."
"Cas," Sam tried again. "Talk to us. What happened?"
"He threatened Teddy," Castiel finally spoke, drawing all eyes to him. "He said too much, and knew I wouldn't join him. So he threatened Teddy. So I killed him."
"Castiel, this is necessary! Our brothers and sisters are dying around us, do you want this to continue?"
"No, Uriel, I don't. But this isn't the way. You cannot ask Dean Winchester to torture for you."
"It's the only way! We need the information, and we can't get it from him any other way."
"No. Not like this."
"Castiel, you're too attached! You're so close to that damned child-"
"Don't talk about Teddy like that."
"You see?" Uriel spat, turning away in anger. "You care about the humans more than your orders! These insignificant, disgusting, primitive-"
"Uriel! You would do well to remember the love our Father has for humans."
"A love that should have been ours!"
There was silence after that, certain things falling into place in Castiel's mind, and the younger angel looked up in fury.
"You… you want this to happen," Castiel growled, eyes narrowed. "You want the Apocalypse to happen."
"It needs to happen," Uriel was obviously trying to regain control of the conversation, without much luck.
"No, it doesn't. The Apocalypse would destroy this planet, destroy our Father's creations. Now tell me - what else have you done? What do you know that you're keeping secret?"
"Castiel, if you don't join me in bringing on the Apocalypse,"
"What, you'll kill me?" Castiel let out a laugh, surprising both angels. "Is that what's been happening to our brethren? You've killed them for not siding with you?"
"I only killed the ones who said no," Uriel lowered his voice, and a cold shudder went through Castiel. His brother… was insane.
"The others…"
"The others have joined me. And there are more throughout the other garrisons. Castiel… the Apocalypse is going to happen. Join us, help us… and I'll guarantee Teddy's survival."
"And if I say no?"
"Then I take great pleasure in stripping the flesh from his-"
Uriel was cut off as Castiel flew at him, sword drawn, snarling in anger. The fight was fast and brutal, Uriel caught off guard by the anger he'd never seen Castiel display before. Within minutes, Uriel was on the ground, Castiel's sword buried in his chest.
Castiel stood over his brother, waiting to feel something. He wasn't sure what he was meant to feel - remorse, guilt, sadness - but he was pretty sure that there was meant to be something other than numbness.
Then Teddy crawled out from under the bed, from where he'd been playing hide-and-seek with Castiel before the other angel showed up, and went to pull on his father's coat.
"Yes, Teddy?"
So Castiel picked up Teddy and sat on the bed, and started talking even as he sensed the Winchesters coming closer.
"There once was a tiger-striped cat…"
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