Title: Box by the stairs
Author: chef_hector
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Characters/Pairing: Mycroft/Lestrade
Table: Relationship
Prompt: Loss
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language and M/M relationship
Word Count: 644
Summary: Lestrade loses his job.
Notes: Not mine. Not making any money.
He knew it would happen one day. He had let Sherlock slide with too many things for too many years. It finally caught up with him after a case; ironically it was his ‘anniversary’ with Sherlock of all days. His DCI called him into his office when he returned to the Yard. After half an hour of lectures and being screamed at, he was sacked.
He couldn’t say anything really. He just handed over his badge and went to clean out his office. What could he say? He could make a promise that he wouldn’t have Sherlock back on his crime scenes, but he knew he wouldn’t keep it.
Half an hour later he exited the Yard for the last time. He left through a rarely used exit, making it easier for him to slip out unnoticed by anyone that mattered. He knew Sally would be the first one to find out and probably be pounding on his door later.
He needed to go somewhere where he could take this all in, take in that he suddenly didn’t have a job and had no means to support himself. He hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address almost automatically.
The house was empty when he got there, not that he was exactly shocked by it. Actually, if he was honest with himself, he was glad. He needed some time to himself. He set the box with his belongings by the steps so he would remember to take them upstairs. He needed a drink, a strong one at that. He poured himself a scotch and collapsed onto the couch. After a sip, he ran his fingers through his hair.
The first think Mycroft noticed when he returned home was the box by the stairs. Upon inspecting it, he noticed it was filled with things he knew Gregory kept at his desk at New Scotland Yard. Why was it in his home?
“Don’t need it anymore.”
He turned and saw Gregory on the couch, glass in his hand.
“What, pray tell, do you not need anymore?”
“The stuff, the desk. Don’t need it anymore.”
“Of course you need it. You work..”
“Not anymore. Got chucked out today.”
Gregory was fired? How was that even possible?
“Sherlock. They got sick of me letting him on scenes, so they fired me.”
Gregory shrugged and took another sip from the glass.
“Oh, my love, I’m so sorry.”
He truly was sorry that Sherlock had put his partner in this situation. He knew how much Gregory loved his job. As much as Mycroft feared for him whenever he was called to a scene, he never wanted the man to lose his job.
“Would you like me to make a phone call?”
One phone call is all it would take from him. One phone call and Gregory would be back doing the job that he was born to do. He would make it in half a second if needed, but only if the phone call was wanted.
Gregory shook his head and took another sip from his glass.
“’s alright. Could use a break actually. Sure you got other things you could use that phone call for.”
“At the moment I cannot think of anything that would be more important.”
Mycroft wasn’t always the best when it came to words and signs of affection. Thankfully Gregory always managed to understand him, and the smile he received from the now former Detective Inspector let him know he was understood.
Mycroft moved to sit next to his partner, trying to figure out what he could do to help. Gregory couldn’t just sit around. It went against every bit of his nature. He had to be out there, helping and protecting.
Mycroft knew that Greg needed some more time. All that Mycroft could do was to stand by. Together they will get over together.