Jun 09, 2004 19:44
I just found $80 in the pocket of an old pair of shorts. I think this is a good sign
May 21, 2004 16:16
nope I'm green
May 09, 2004 02:46
i am the fish posting fore micxhelle shew anmd gwenm amnds kevbion wewnmty danmcinmgh iun thje rtain m
May 09, 2004 02:20
Kevin mateson canty rewady
May 09, 2004 02:15
my cheswswe cube was interc0pted bt war lorasd. Gwen is chokingg and i hvane to pee.
May 09, 2004 01:26
Kevin matbeson is a chetryer!
May 09, 2004 01:01
Kevin Matteson is here now. and we'r drinking and drewing. on to more drinki unoi and now we nevr miond +
May 09, 2004 00:51
so gwen is laying on thye floor and I* am weoll posting and who would have thought that yuou could make a drinking game out of uno. and who would have thought that green would looki so much like yellow and I need a draw4 wild and now its time to kick some ass in drinking uno. Gwen is not on the floor anym0ore BYEBYE drunk is under D
May 07, 2004 18:51
Ok clearly Friday is no good. What about Sunday? Van Helsing on Sunday? 7:05? 9:20? 9:50? anybody?
May 07, 2004 10:21
Who wants to go see Van Helsing tonight? It's playing at 6:30, 7:05, 9:20, 9:50 and midnight. I'd like to go to either the 6:30 or 7:05 show let me know what works for you guys.