1. how many and what shows did you go to on the L&E tour? Just Hampton Beach. But this is okay because it was the best concert I've ever been to.
2. which was your favorite and why? HB because it was the only one I went to.
3. who did you go to shows with? The HFOP, Julie, Sarah, Morgan, my mom, Mikaela, and Kim's mom.
4. what was your favorite song this tour? Change In My Life.
5. funniest moment on the tour? "wouldn't it be funny if I morphed into Taylor at random moments?" "Okay, everyone looks sexy!" "What would they say if two people were attached to the head and only one got a meet and greet?" "i lah taylahhh" "It's such an honor to meet you" "Can you see my asscrack?" "you guys have been here since 11 AM...yesterday?!"
6. best moment of the tour? Walking into the meet and greet and seeing three of the biggest heads I’ve ever seen in my life.
7. one song you wish you would have heard? In a Way ):
8. one song you were kind of tired of hearing? I never get tired of hearing live Hanson music.
9. did you get to see the documentary? Yeah, with Kimmmbop in May.
10. did you cry during it? Yes, only because I was in so much pain.
11. did you camp out? Of course!
12. did you get front row? Because I’m amazing, yes.
13. was this your favorite tour? if not, which one was? The Underneath and L&E tour tied for first.
14. what did you learn from this tour? Don’t hump Taylor’s leg, ever, because everyone afterwards will think you’re a total whore.
15. coolest venue? The Ballroom.
16. worst venue? I don’t hate any venues (:
17. how much money did you spend total? I don’t want to talk about it.
18. what's the furthest you traveled? Hampton Beach, because it was the only one I went to.
19. did you get to meet hanson? Yes, and it was pure magic (THANKS ASHG)
20. any pictures with them? Yes, it’s my favorite picture of all time.
21. did you get into any fights? I’m a lover not a fighter.
22. did you buy any merch? No, but I did buy merchandise.
23. did you talk to any of their family, etc.? I was forced by the HFOP to ask Jessica when Hanson were getting there. I want to be her BFF, she’s so sweet.
24. best crowd? I only went to one show so how the hell could I answer this!
25. worst crowd? Again, I only went to one show GET OFF OF MY BACK
26. did you make any new friends this tour? Yes, I did!
I just love the fact that I'm going to be babysitting two homeschooled kids for 13 hours tomorrow. I'd rather cut my tounge off with a rusty pair of scissors.
On another note, I'd like to share this lovely photo of Henry and Lillie, spooning: