Title: The Gift Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Dean/Cas Rating: mild PG Spoilers: 6.10 Length: 1021 words Notes: Thank you to Grrrl, as always. Summary: For the kiss bingo mistletoe prompt.
It's nice to be home & curled up under the cats, and I'm scheduled to see most of the people I love best in the world in the next couple of days, so yeah. It's good. How's yours going?
Curled up under cats is a great place to be, as long as they don't feel the need to rearrange your breasts with their paws.
Seeing the people you love best is a very good thing.
We're having a good holiday season. My shopping is done. We had family here over the weekend, and we'll be seeing more in the next week.
The best part was that the paper managed to organize support for some really big charity drives in the community. Ultimately the community did all the work, we just gave them a little nudge. Churches, school kids, businesses, individuals and civic groups managed to pull together more than $40,000 in donations for the county food shelf. One of the elementary schools raised $830 with kids bringing in their loose change. That's the kind of stuff that makes my holiday. Every December I'm reminded why I love this little corner of the world.
This is just what I need before I head home for the holidays.
Stars are everywhere and Dean looks up at them. He and Sam used to look up at the stars together, back when the world was simple, when there were good guys and bad guys, and Dean and Sam killed bad guys.
I had to quote those lines because they're so true and poignant.
I'm pleased the kiss made you melt. Dean and Cas's kisses always have that affect on me. /g/
I loved the image in Swan Song of Sam and Dean sitting on the hood of the Impala looking up at the stars, and I couldn't resist drawing on it for this story.
Comments 23
Hope you're having a joyful holiday, hon.
Seeing the people you love best is a very good thing.
We're having a good holiday season. My shopping is done. We had family here over the weekend, and we'll be seeing more in the next week.
The best part was that the paper managed to organize support for some really big charity drives in the community. Ultimately the community did all the work, we just gave them a little nudge. Churches, school kids, businesses, individuals and civic groups managed to pull together more than $40,000 in donations for the county food shelf. One of the elementary schools raised $830 with kids bringing in their loose change. That's the kind of stuff that makes my holiday. Every December I'm reminded why I love this little corner of the world.
Happy New Year!
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This is just what I need before I head home for the holidays.
Stars are everywhere and Dean looks up at them. He and Sam used to look up at the stars together, back when the world was simple, when there were good guys and bad guys, and Dean and Sam killed bad guys.
I had to quote those lines because they're so true and poignant.
And the kiss! *melts again*
I'm pleased the kiss made you melt. Dean and Cas's kisses always have that affect on me. /g/
I loved the image in Swan Song of Sam and Dean sitting on the hood of the Impala looking up at the stars, and I couldn't resist drawing on it for this story.
Glad you enjoyed the story. thank you and Happy New Year!
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