Title: Hopelessly Romantic Ficlets: "Kurama"
Author: Chellendora
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Genre: Romance, angst
Starring: Kurama, reader
Pairing: Kurama/you
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or you. If I owned Kurama I most assuredly would not be sharing!
Summary: It could be his last night, would you let him spend it alone?
This may be his last night.
That thought made your breath hitch in your throat. You couldn’t think like that, even if it was true. You had to be optimistic. He could win, he definitely could. He had an ace up his sleeve; you just knew that he did. But you never wanted to ask him about his plans, especially not this time. He was so sullen…so lost in thought.
But still, it could be his last night. That thought kept bugging you. You climbed out of bed, careful to not wake the sleeping Yukina. You slipped on your flip-flops and a bathrobe and quietly left the hotel room.
You stood outside his door, your fist raised to knock. Finally, you took a deep breath and just quietly rapped your knuckles against the wood.
You heard shuffling from inside and then footsteps approaching the door. You took a step back so that you wouldn’t be so close to the door when it opened and waited.
When he saw you there he paused for a moment, seeming to take a minute to process who you were, and then said quietly, “Hana.”
You smiled shyly. He was wearing a white button down shirt that was halfway unbuttoned and untucked from his khakis. “Can I come in?”
He nodded and stepped back so that you could enter the room. Once you were inside he shut the door behind you. You took off your slippers and robe, and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge. You looked up at him, your large round eyes sad.
“Shh,” he cooed as he moved to stand in front of you. He cupped your face, letting his fingers tangle in your soft hair. He tilted your head so that you were looking up into his face. “Don’t think about tomorrow, my love. Think about only tonight.” He leaned forward and kissed you softly on the lips.
This may be his last night, but at least that last night was one you would remember for the rest of your life.